Ad Hoc Queries
The ad-hoc query system allows the European Commission and the EMN NCPs to quickly collect comparative data on various migration and asylum issues to support policymaking. The National Contact Points respond to ad-hoc queries based on their in-house expertise or by requesting information from the members of their national network. Some ad-hoc queries are intended only for use by the authorities. Public summaries of ad-hoc queries are available on the network’s international website(siirryt toiseen palveluun).
An ad-hoc query can have a maximum of 6 questions. Sub-questions are counted as independent questions. A brief background should be attached to explain the reasoning behind the query. The country launching the query should also provide answers to the questions if possible. The standard response time for ad-hoc queries is 4 weeks. If you are interested in launching an ad-hoc query, contact

All publicly available Ad Hoc Queries can be found on the international website of the European Migration Network.