EMN Estonia national conference “Activating the TPD – Retrospect and Ways Forward”

The full-scale aggression against Ukraine has led to the largest movement of refugees since the World War II. According to UNHCR Operational Data Portal, as of 7th March 2023, 4 890 639 refugees from Ukraine have registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe. As a landmark decision, on 4th of March 2022, the Council of the EU unanimously activated the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) and Member States have since either activated the TPD or applied similar schemes to provide war refugees security and social guarantees such as the right to education, employment, medical care and emergency assistance.
While Russian offensive is still ongoing, the outcome of the war remains uncertain. Even though vast majority of refugees wish to return to their homeland, safe and sustainable returns are not yet possible. Planning for uncertain future is a complicated matter and affected by several variables such as future developments of the conflict, prevailing resistance and hope, self-reliance, and inclusion/integration in host societies. This leads to questions related to long-term solutions for war refugees in host societies and national systems as well as impact on host countries.
As more than a year has passed since activating the TPD, the conference focuses on experiences of the Member States and host societies regarding the TPD as well as on long-term scenarios and ways forward.
The conference is organised as a hybrid event taking place in Tallinn at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences and online via interactive Worksup environment. The conference aims to bring together policy-makers, representatives from EU Institutions/Agencies, practitioners, academics and experts from Member States and beyond.
Registration for the conference is open until 22.05.2023. Venue has limited number of seats.
The conference will be held in Estonian and English.
Register here: EMN Estonia national conference “Activating the TPD – Retrospect and Ways Forward” – EMN(siirryt toiseen palveluun)