Illegal employment seen in more and more sectors in Finland
EMN blog post on the Tax Administration’s Grey Economy & Economic Crime Portal

A blog post based on the new study ” Illegal employment of third-country nationals – Situation review 2017-2022″ by the European Migration Network Finland National Contact Point has been published on the Tax Administration’s Grey Economy & Economic Crime Portal.
According to a new study by the European Migration Network (EMN), work permit violations are found in companies of all sizes, owned by both Finns and foreigners. Illegal employment is being identified in an increasing variety of sectors and the picture is constantly evolving. Some of the activity is deliberate evasion of work permit regulations, but often it is due to sheer negligence or ignorance on the part of the employer or employee.
Challenges in the fight against illegal employment have included complex subcontracting chains, the platform economy, differences in interpretation of legislation and difficulties in reaching foreign workers. However, in recent years Finland has made significant progress in the fight against illegal employment. In particular, progress has been made in terms of cooperation with the authorities, information and legislation.
Read more at the Grey Economy & Economic Crime portal by the Finnish Tax Administration: toiseen palveluun)
EMN Study “Illegal Employment of Third Country Nationals: Situation Report 2017-2022 – National report of Finland” availble at