The network’s key outputs include annual reports on migration and asylum, thematic studies, Informs on issues of immediate priority, ad-hoc queries, and the EMN Asylum and Migration Glossary.
All publications from 2017 onwards are available on our website. To request older publications, please contact us at Studies and reports are sometimes also published in print. The publications are also available on the network’s international website(siirryt toiseen palveluun).
This report maps the progress made by EU Member States and Norway in 2021-2022 in the implementation of the recommended actions laid down in the 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration, with a view to further understanding progress made in the implementation of the Communication’s recommendations. The scope of this Report is limited to migrant children in the categories set out in the 2017 Communication: accompanied minors/families with children, separated children and unaccompanied minors, including those recorded within the asylum system, not applying for asylum but recorded within other migration procedures, and not applying for asylum, who remain outside the asylum/migration/(child) protection system.
A statistical annex published alongside the EMN annual report, containing a wide range of national and Eurostat statistics on migration and asylum.
Annual reports on migration and asylum outline the most significant political and legislative
developments and debates in the EMN Member States and at EU-level in the year.
The reports provide a unique overview of migration and asylum-related developments.
This joint EMN-OECD inform focuses on the labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine across EMN Member countries as well as non-EU OECD countries. This inform offers an analysis of employment trends, policy priorities, and measures aimed at facilitating the integration of displaced individuals from Ukraine into host countries' labour markets.
The Finnish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) has compiled this statistical review from the statistics of the Finnish Immigration Service, Police and Finnish Border Guard, Eurostat as well as the International Organization for Migration (IOM). In addition, the EMN has produced the annual report on migration, which covers all aspects of migration and asylum in Finland in 2023. The report offers advanced information on phenomena, which this statistical review discusses in the light of figures.
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NB. Finnish and English version are in the same file. This report gives an overview of the developments in immigration and asylum policy that have taken place in Finland in 2023. The report goes through developments in legislation, policy and practice. The report also contains a wide array of statistics on migration.
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Since February 2022, Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine has created a situation of mass arrivals of displaced people from Ukraine to Europe. European Union activated temporary protection to protect those fleeing the war. European Migration Network commenced a study in 2023 in order to take stock of the implementation of the temporary protection mechanism in Europe a year after the start of the war. This publication is a national report of Finland which describes the situation of temporary protection in Finland in 2023.
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This inform offers an overview of current practices in EMN Member Countries and two Observer Countries (Georgia, Ukraine) on the digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals.
This EMN inform maps the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and provides a comprehensive overview of how EMN Member Countries and Serbia organise such support for these two groups. It includes an overview of national and regional/local policies and measures supporting the transition and access to autonomous housing, as well as some examples of EU-funded initiatives and national good practices.
This European Migration Network (EMN) study is an overview of the legislation, policies and practices related to illegal employment of third-country nationals in Finland. The study covers the period 2017-2022, so it is also an update of the EMN's 2016 study on the same topic.
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