EMN Finland Conference: Diversity of Migrant Women – How to improve labour market integration of migrant women?
The conference was held in Helsinki on 25 November 2022.
Video recordings are now available(siirryt toiseen palveluun) (English versions of those presentations which were in English)

Migrant women continue to struggle to be included in the Finnish labour market. EMN Finland Conference explored the reasons behind this phenomenon and sought solutions to it. The event was held at Paasitorni Conference Centre, where it was attended by about 100 participants. In addition, the conference was streamed as a webinar for about 100 online-participants.
See the Conference programme, Concept note and Speaker biographies.
Challenges related to improving the labour market position of migrant women were discussed by national and international experts. The opening words of the conference were given by Ms. Tuula Haatainen, Minister of Employment of Finland. After the opening words, docent Tytti Steel held a keynote speech stating that women with a foreign background possess a great deal of competence which is inadequately put to use by Finnish society.
The recent EMN study on the Integration of Migrant Women was presented at the conference allowing the participants learn about the topic in different EMN member countries. The conference participants heard also about Norwegian experiences of Jobbsjansen project which has been successful in improving the labour market integration of migrant women in Norway. Also a project from Finland which focused on the labour market integration of immigrant parents was presented as a successful example.
In the afternoon session attention was paid first to Ukrainians fleeing the war, large part of whom is women. Finally, an inspiring panel discussion brought together experts representing different organisations allowing different perspectives on the subject matter to be discussed.
A detailed summary of the conference can be found in the conference report.
Presentations and background materials.
Video recordings of the presentations.(siirryt toiseen palveluun)
The national report of Finland and EMN study can be downloaded from the publications-section(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan).