EMN Swedish Presidency Conference Looks Into Linkages Between Migration and Climate Change

The links between climate change, environmental disasters and displacement and
migration are complex. For the time being, most climate-related displacement seems to
take place within countries, however, in the long run, cross-border movements over
greater distances are likely to occur.
The EMN Swedish Presidency Conference Displacement and migration related to disasters,
climate change and environmental degradation on 11-12 May 2023 in Stockholm aims to explore the potential impact of climate change on global migration patterns and migration to the EMN Member (EU Member States
except Denmark) and Observer Countries (NO, GE, MD, UA, ME, AM, RS). It also aims at
discussing what the EMN Member and Observer Countries are currently doing in this
context and what could be done in the future to address the challenges and impacts.
How can we better understand the interplay between displacement and migration? What is
the state of play and what is the future outlook? What are the short-term and long-term
consequences of climate change on displacement and migration? How can we ensure a
better connection between the different policy areas, and what policy and practical
measures are necessary to meet the challenges?
To address the above questions, the Conference will bring together a broad range of
international experts on climate change and migration, from different fields including
research, policymaking and policy implementation. During the Conference, speakers will
reflect upon policy and practical measures already in place and future challenges. The
Conference will explore new strategies and policies to meet these challenges of climaterelated
displacement and migration and look at some of the possible impacts on the labour
markets and economic migration.
The results of the joint EMN-OEDC inform “Displacement and migration related to
disasters, climate change and environmental degradation(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)” will also be presented in the context of the conference.
Link to event page: