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In addition to producing studies and reports, the EMN also produces shorter Informs on migration and asylum issues. Informs can be based on EMN studies or data collected by means of ad-hoc queries, for example.



Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals – Inform

This inform offers an overview of current practices in EMN Member Countries and two Observer Countries (Georgia, Ukraine) on the digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals.


Access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection – Inform

This EMN inform maps the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and provides a comprehensive overview of how EMN Member Countries and Serbia organise such support for these two groups. It includes an overview of national and regional/local policies and measures supporting the transition and access to autonomous housing, as well as some examples of EU-funded initiatives and national good practices.


Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 – Inform (EN)

EMN Inform offers a concise overview of the main topics covered in the EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022. This includes developments in the fields of the response to the influx of persons fleeing the war
in Ukraine.


Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission and Sponsorship Schemes – Inform

This inform provides up-to-date and comparative data on resettlement, humanitarian admission and sponsorship schemes. It presents recent developments in EMN Member Countries between 2016 to 2022.


Accompanied children’s right to be heard in international protection – Inform

This inform provides an overview on accompanied children’s right to be heard in international protection procedures in EMN member countries and Norway.


Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation – Inform

This inform explores displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. It aims to complement existing research by providing a broader perspective on how displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation are being addressed by key national-level initiatives and policies in EMN Member Countries as well as non-EU OECD countries.


Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia

The new EMN Inform series is an update on the status of statelessness in EMN member countries and EMN observer countries (Norway and Georgia). Previous updates were published in 2016 and 2020. This report provides an overview of statelessness in the European Union (EU), including the legal framework, statelessness determination procedures, access to residence permits, citizenship and other rights, and the situation of stateless minors and those born enroute to the EU.


Organising flexible housing in the context of international protection – Inform

This inform covers the provision of housing to international protection applicants. The housing of other groups (i.e. beneficiaries of international protection and persons whose application for international protection has been rejected as well as beneficiaries of temporary protection) is also included.


Arrangements for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection – Inform

This inform analyses the arrangements European Union (EU) Member States have put in place for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection, in the context of the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) (2001/55/EC).


Access to services for beneficiaries of temporary protection – Inform

This inform analyses how Member States have organised access to social benefits, education, employment and healthcare.