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In addition to producing studies and reports, the EMN also produces shorter Informs on migration and asylum issues. Informs can be based on EMN studies or data collected by means of ad-hoc queries, for example.



Protection of Children in Migration in Member States and Norway – Inform

In 2017, the European Commission published a Communication on the protection of children in migration. This sets out actions to reinforce the protection of all third-country national migrant children at all stages of migration to and within the EU, at EU and national levels. This Inform summarises the results of the 2019 Report on the state of implementation of the Communication on the protection of children in migration. It maps the progress made by EU Member States and Norway as regards the recommended actions laid down in the Communication. A summary of the findings can be found from the EMN Flash, which is based on the Inform.


Attracting and protecting the rights of seasonal workers in the EU and the United Kingdom – Inform

A summary of the study on attracting and protecting the rights of seasonal workers in the EU and the UK. The study primarily covers third-country nationals who enter and reside in an EU Member State for the purpose of seasonal work within the framework of the Seasonal Workers Directive.


Pathways to citizenship for third-country nationals in the EU – Inform

A summary of the study on pathways to citizenship for third-country nationals in the EU. The study provides a comparative overview of the frameworks in place across the Member States of the European Union (EU) for access to national citizenship for new migrants from third countries, through naturalisation.