What’s New All Blog Events News Publications Uncategorized Filter: Aiheet Armenia EU European Migration Network integration kotoutuminen migration refugees statelessness temporary protection ukraine women youth Reset choices Events 4.11.2022 EMN Finland National Conference and Webinar 25.11.2022 News 27.10.2022 Armenia to join EMN as an Observer Country News 26.9.2022 Montenegro to join EMN as an Observer Country News 22.9.2022 New EMN inform examines and updates on how bilateral readmission agreements influence the return of irregular migrants News 19.9.2022 EMN Finland launches a new website! Blog 29.6.2022 EMN Finland’s anti-trafficking webinar on detecting, identifying and assisting victims of trafficking in human beings Events 30.11.2021 EMN Finland National Conference 2021: Is Finland ready for increased labour immigration? Previous 1 2 3