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EMN:n ja Punaisen ristin yhteiswebinaari kidutuksen uhreista kansainvälisen suojelun prosesseissa

Euroopan muuttoliikeverkoston ja Punaisen ristin yhteisessä webinaarissa 17.9. perehdytään kidutuksen uhreihin kansainvälisen ja tilapäisen suojelun prosesseissa. Webinaariin voi rekisteröityä 12.9. asti alla olevasta linkistä.



​’Practices and challenges in processing victims of torture and ill-treatment in the context of international and temporary protection’ 

17 September 2024, 09.30 – 13.30 (CEST)

Register here (DL. 12.9.): toiseen palveluun)


09.30 – 10.00 Welcoming remarks
• Martin Taschner, Head of Unit, Migration Management Preparedness, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
• Mette Petersen, Director, Red Cross EU Office

Event moderator: Tamara Buschek, Senior Policy Officer, EMN France and Co-Chair, EMN CDWG

10.00 – 10.15 Key findings of the inform –Presentation of the key findings of the inform on ’Practices and challenges in identifying victims of torture and ill-treatment in the context of international and temporary protection’
• Razan Ismail, EMN Service Provider, ICF

10.15 – 11.15 Panel 1. Spotlight on key challenges and good practices on identification of victims of torture at national level
• Jeanne Ruscher, Head, Group of experts on torture and trauma, French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA)
• Carmen Cosentino, Deputy Prefect, Ministry of the Interior, Italy
• Swedish national expert, tbc
• Czech national expert, tbc Q&A

11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 12.25 Expert insights session on the experience of migrant torture survivors
• Roberto Frifrini, Advocacy Officer, IRCT
• Frida Johansson Metso, Coordinator, Competence Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture and War Trauma, Swedish Red Cross
• Dr Pierre-Henri Daculsi, Medical Director, Parcours d’exil

12.25 – 13.20 Practitioners oriented session on addressing vulnerabilities of migrants
• Sharon Kassahun, Officer, Asylum Support and Vulnerability, EUAA
• ECRE, tbc
• Monica Gutierrez, Project Officer, Asylum and Migration Sector, FRA
• Frida Johansson Metso, Coordinator, Competence Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture and War Trauma, Swedish Red Cross

13.20 – 13.30 Concluding remarks
• Magnus Ovilius, Head of Sector Forecasting, Preparedness and Policy Monitoring, Chair of the EMN, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission

On behalf of the EMN and the Red Cross EU Office,

We are pleased to invite you to the launch event unveiling our new Inform on ’Practices and challenges in processing victims of torture and ill-treatment in the context of international and temporary protection’ on 17 September 2024, 09.30 – 13.30 (CEST). 

Many individuals fleeing war, armed conflict and persecution around the world are likely to have experienced trauma, including torture and ill-treatment.

Asylum seekers and refugees who have suffered torture and ill-treatment are among the vulnerable groups referred to in the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) legislative instruments. Torture and ill-treatment are also prohibited under international law, including the United Nations (UN) Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. However, limited data across EMN Member and Observer Countries makes it difficult to grasp the scope of the issue among applicants for international protection.

Our new EMN – Red Cross EU Inform explores how different countries detect and identify survivors of torture and ill-treatment within International and Temporary Protection pathways. This event will highlight key findings from the inform, present examples of procedures put in place in EMN Member and Observer Countries, and draw insights from the Red Cross approach and experience of National Red Cross Societies in different EU Member States.